The Proposal

After five awesome years together and a master’s degree finally officially completed (and Jessica’s completion of law school just around the corner), Chris decided it was time to get on one knee. By spring he had already had his mother Aven ship his father Robert’s (RIP) diamond to him to be re-set in a ring. The only clues he had was that Jess liked vintage jewelry and did not like yellow gold. So finally, after a date out on the town when the two got to talking about how cool it would be someday to get married somewhere that had a marquee and see our names together in lights, Chris buckled down and found a ring that he hoped would do the trick.

A couple phone calls and emails to the Varsity Theater later, and he and Jess were on their way to see  the band Bat For Lashes one unassuming Friday evening. Just another night at a concert, Jess thought. As the two left, Chris started mumbling something emo about their lives coming to an important transition together, blah blah, and suddenly, after crossing the street and ignoring a beefcake pedestrian giving Jess a once-over and saying “you lookin’ good,”

The Marquee Proposal

he pointed to the marquee, which read “Jess, will you marry me? -Chris” and got down on one knee. Jess read the illuminated message and immediately said…nothing. Silence. For an inappropriate amount of time. Trying to salvage the moment, Chris muttered nervously with the ring still in its box in his sweaty palms, “a wise poet once told me that if I like it I should put a ring on it.” Somehow that cheesy and awkward pop culture reference did the trick, because her face lit up with joy and she screamed “of course!”

The icing on the proverbial cake was that immediately after this happened, it started pouring outside like some kind of low-budget John Cusack movie, and the two stood in the rain together, taking pictures with their cell phones and an expired disposable camera bought from a sketchy convenience store nearby, and hearing people run through puddles, looking at the marquee and alternately saying “how cute!” or “how gross!”. It will have been the best night of their lives, until their wedding of course.